Friday, March 31, 2006 @ 8:59 PM
almost 21 days nv play tennis...
almost 3wks nv dance... -.-
bt den.. all r fun! tennis is fun! da tcher so shuai! lolx.. dance is fun! =)
had a shockin news 2dae... da guy dat helps dance tcher out is act 16yrs old!!! -.- he dun look 16 lorx.. u sae he 24 i oso believe... =P lolx.. so matured lookin lahx he... duno it's gd or nt...
aniwae.. gt back bio results... gt O... -.- 44%... 31/70... haix... my grade fr C dropped to O... lalala. wateva bahx... lolx.. will pia durin june hols.. pia for mid yr... will win yx in chem... win elmo in bio... win mel in econs[???].. den will make sure others wont win mi in maths.. will improve 2gether! lolx... lalala... bt den my sis sae diz kinda tings doesnt matter... bt den diz is my motivation! baaahx... wateva lahx...
oh yarhx.. injured my right leg... cannt stretch now.. -.- injured wen playin w mel mel.. -.- den play tennis a bit disturbed by it.. den durin dance horx.. aiyox.. aft da dance leg hurts lyk siao lahx... coz was focusin on dance so much dat i dun notice da pain.. =) bt den.. i still lyk dance.. tho i tink i m still da same.. w so lousy technics n flexibility.. lalala...
goin out tmr!!! goin town... first time relaxin aft po4 outin.. so pathetic rite? bo pian lahx... so stressed up diz few wks.. so now is time to relax n den pia for mid yr again!!! lolx..
it rained 2dae.. suit my mood... nt really dat happy 2dae.. bt den still alrite lahx... had fun in dance n tennis as i sae so... den lalalala.... lolx... i dunno lahx...
watched lost ytd.. so nice!!! i lyk sawyer.. lolx.. =) tough guy bt den still v. nice!!! hehex...
my knee hurts...
Thursday, March 30, 2006 @ 9:11 PM
played w so much water 2dae.
stupid weather so hot.
mi so tired. mentally.
decided nt to drop.
refuse to tink more abt it.
lyk mel sae dun tink for diz 2 days den dun nid tink liaox.
for my 自尊.
i will pia all da way.
nerd is cumin again.
i m alwaes a nerd.
bt i gettin more nerd.
can everyone go prom nite?
i hope diz time da memories will b gd.
sec sch prom nite nt dat gd.
n i wan go out n haf fun aft dat.
i wan go hm only on da nxt day.
i dun care.
lalala. gt 66 for chem. kinda sad lahx... bt kinda xpected... it's v. stupid how human works... 明明expected yet will b sad. stupid rite? mayb u alwaes hope dat miracle will occur... bt i truly believe 奇迹一定会出现的.. it did mahx.. .bt i oso gt pia lahx.. my o lvl results! lolx... my family had a shock.. i wan dem to haf a greater shock nxt yr... =) i believe i can. which means.. muz go tok to econs tcher.. -.- tok more to bio tcher oso... -.- will jia you de!
realise my 星座 n blood type [nt sure of my blood type.] same as theresa... lolx... bt we 2 quite different leix.. bt den read i周刊 v. alike leix.. as in da one in blue column...
had a shock juz now... lolx.. nt really a shock lahx.. bt den tings cum so sudden den i will juz walk away... x.x
how i wish dat i can tok to u.
Wednesday, March 29, 2006 @ 5:50 PM
i m so hungry.
nt dat tired as ytd.
still dat nt happy.
still nt noe-ing shld i drop or nt.
i dun wish to drop coz i dun wan 认输.
i dun wan to b lower dan my sistas. tho i m alr.
mayb i m influenced by those considering droppin.
bt i still nid to make up my mind so i can start pia-ing.
shld i continue or nt?
aniwae... went to eng prog 2dae.. dat's wat i called it lahx.. for students hu score v. badly for eng? lolx.. i m alwaes in it... tcher sae we r da bottom 20% leix.. hmm... wateva... so will b in diz ting for wks... doin P2 [bt my P1 worse leix..]... =) i dun mind! lolx.. tho tcher ask us to work harder so we r nt here... dey rather so.. bt den i dun mind more prac... =P bt i wont purposely do badly lahx... =) i really hope my gp will improve. i will jia you de!!
u r in my heart.shld i go out diz sat? i wan watch tv leix.. bt den i tink it's time for mi to go out n haf fun rather dan stuck @ hm resting... lalala.. so i m goin out!!! =) i wan wear nice nice!
been too bz to tink of ani issue.
tata. n my T29!!! kelly took it. -.- nvm... did org N cpd le.. =P will do nervous system ltr... =)
oh yarhx.. how small da world is... lolx.. ck is my sis's fren's bro.. lolx.. den my sis's fren's sis is in ny too.. n my 大姐's fren's sis oso in ny.. -.- wat a small world! or shld i sae wat a small singapore! =) i like it tho...
personal dna
Tuesday, March 28, 2006 @ 6:22 PM
You are a
Concerned Artist.
About YouYou are an Artist
Your appreciation of beauty, ability to think abstractly, and innovativeness make you an ARTIST.
Never one to be tied to a particular way of doing things, you let your imagination guide you in discovering different possibilities.
You would rather seek out new experiences than stick to your everyday habits, taking in as much of the world as possible.
Your eye for beauty and your willingness to consider different perspectives make your creative efforts interesting—even though you may not realize this yourself.
You prefer to think about things before voicing your opinion, considering a wide, diverse range of options.
While there are forms and styles that you prefer, you tend to keep an open mind when it comes to your artistic preferences.
You are curious about things, interested in the "why" more than the “how.”
You have an active imagination that leads you express yourself in a distinct way.
You are balanced in your approach to problem-solving, not letting your emotions hold you up.
If you want to be different:Be more open to risks in your creative efforts, and don't be quick to dismiss the praise of others.
Think about how attention to detail may help you be more sure of yourself.
How You Relate to OthersYou are Concerned
Your understanding of others' emotions, your sense of right and wrong, and your skeptical nature make you CONCERNED.
Your observations of your environment, in concert with your clearly defined worldview, leads you to be aware of the feelings of others.
Because you can read people well, and because you can understand their feelings, you are often bothered by others' insensitive behavior.
While you appreciate others' emotional nature, you don't think their emotional concerns should take precedence over their obligations to society.
You prefer to be in smaller groups, as big groups can occasionally get out of hand.
Order and structure are somewhat important to you—you believe that people's feelings are better protected when others are respectful and follow certain societal guidelines.
You tend to share your feelings with a few individuals who are close with you, but otherwise you are a somewhat private person.
If you want to be different:Let your caring nature allow you to put more trust in people in general—you can have more faith in them without losing your valuable skepticism.
tinkin shld i drop econs anot... no idea really..
does droppin means my bio will improve? does nt droppin n work harder means my econs will improve?
is kinda sad everytime u hopin to improve n yet u r disappointed everytime... -.-
shld i drop? no idea...
so sad.
sad for others too.
so pple hu have a place in my heart pls dun b sad.
Monday, March 27, 2006 @ 9:22 PM
a mixture of feelings 2dae.. v. tired 2dae... -.-
gt 85.5 for maths.. thx god... i m half relieved.. nid to wait for chem results... tho wont haf dat gd result.. bt den i hope it wont b v. bad... =)
i dunno lahx.. mind in a confused state now..
i dun wan go econs tut i dun wan go bio tut... i cant imagine goin consultation... argh.. hate it...
wateva. for wat i wan i will pia... for my sake.. nt for ani one else...
Sunday, March 26, 2006 @ 12:51 AM
hey. i m still nt slpin.. -.- aniwae.. went for dance pfm ytd... for 1 hr.. -.- ended @ 9.15 bt i reach hm @ 11!!! -.- saded lahx... my 仙剑奇侠传 gone liaox.. sob sob.. i wan buy da vcds!!!! muz quarrel w my mama.. haix.. i wan watch... my 仙剑奇侠传... my 唐于小宝... haix....
aniwae.. da dance arhx.. dunno how to describe leix.. juz dat dey point their toes!!! lolx.. i tink it is v. hard to kip pointin ur toes leix... =P can c y our dance isl yk dat... coz dat's how danny tan cheoreograph [how to spell?] de... turnin.. da feel is da same lorx... =) duno is gd or nt... coz gt 特色 bt den is da same... hmmm.. dunno lahx.. 2nd one started nt noe-ing wat dey do.. bt i lyk da 2nd dance most... guess coz it is livelier? 3rd one a bit too long.. bt den it is rich w culture... aniwae.. diz is juz wat a new [?] dancer thot of it lahx... someone hu may b abit dunno how to appreciate art.. tho i m in pfmg arts for sooooooooo long...
aniwae.. really found similarities b/w my co conductor n dance instructor... v. determined.. v. discipline... set v. high hopes for us... n we can actually do it.. i dunno how nice our dance will b.. bt i noe i will definitely lyk it... he will prove to us we can do it... sth dat i really respect him for... both gave mi da same feeling lahx... =)
aniwae.. a lot in my mind... dat's y i m online.. to put everytin here so i can slp ezly.. w an empty mind.. cldnt slp ezly diz few days.. haf been tinkin a lot... been imagine a lot... -.- so tired of it.. tired of myself... haix...
i dun get it y 妹妹 cannt scold 姐姐? if 姐姐 did sth wrong.. 妹妹 haf da right to sae she's wrong rite? dun understand y my elder sis alwaes lyk to sae mi y i sae her.. -.- lyk juz now my 二姐 was complainin my 大姐 wash face v. slow.. den i sae 半斤八两... den my 二姐 sae 好过你啦,连脸都不洗.. do all 姐姐 r lyk dat? refuse to admit their wrongs? i really dun get diz.. coz i m a 妹妹 alwaes... so alr 习惯 kana scolded by dem le.. will juz okiex okiex all da way.. nth happen wat... bt y 妹妹 cant scold 姐姐? argh.. stupid sister...
i duno if my life is 可悲 anot.. wen nobody woo mi bfore... izzit v. 可悲? i really dunno.... mayb till now.. i still dun really care if i m 'wanted' anot... @ times mayb i will b concern.. bt i still cannt imagine myself worryin dat nobody want mi tho dat's a bit fact lahx... a bit too girlish for mi... lolx.. izzit weird for a girl sae it is too girlish for her? i guess i were brought up in da boyish way.. haf boyish manners.. w/o losin wat gals shld behave.. it is amazin how my parents brought mi up...
bt dat's sth i dun understand.. y i cry so ezly? i watch tv, read story bk, even read comic.. i can cry... my mama sorta scold mi i will cry le if i tink i m nt in wrong... felt v. 委屈... den i will tear le... i find it bit funny for someone hu hardly haf ani expressions on her face to b able to cry so ez tho my sis sae i can act in drama [?!] coz my expressions v. big.. -.- 2 faces bahx.. dat's y... bt den i still lyk my ability to cry.. i find it really gd to cry wen i m sad... my only [?] way to relieve all da sad tings.. act i will eat too.. bt den dat's fattenin.. so i dun eat so much liaox...
dere is alwaes sth i will hold in my heart n nv sae it out... still da same old 2 tings... luckily dere's no more... =)
i nv dare to say out ani secrets.. xpecially wen u r w a big grp of frenz.. i tend to b v. suspicious.. i noe if i told A, hu n hu will noe eventually.. if i told B, den hu n hu will noe.. so ended up i haf nobody to tell.. so i rather shut my mouth up.. u may sae i v. insecure.. v. 疑神疑鬼.. bt i myself did sth v. v. bad.. so i noe wat frenz can b... mayb a bit 自作孽.. so now sufferin my retribution... now actually no secrets to haf.. coz nth happen mahx... can haf wat secret?
i m enjoyin da silence...
bfore block test.. i MIA for block test..
aft block test.. i MIA so to rest bfore da real race cum.. -.-
so i m a bit MIA now...
too tired le.. nid go slp le.. tata`
Saturday, March 25, 2006 @ 2:31 PM
i m here.
m i?
slpt @ 1 [? tink so..] so put alarm @ 9.. so by da time i m ready my sis cut finish her hair... den can go eat breakfast.. den i woke up.. i saw my sis [horrified! coz she put mask.. hahax..] so she ask mi wan listen to her discman anot.. den i listen.. den i was tinkin.. hmm y my sis haven go out.. dey woke up late arhx.. den check my hp.. den ahhhhh! it's only 0838!!!! -.- den i sae i wan go back slp.. lolx... so stupid lahx.. woke up so early for nth.. now gettin tired le.. -.- stupid... bt den my sis sae wen i realise is 0838 my face is v. funny.. lolx.. mayb lorx.. =P
aniwae... will b goin indoor stadium to watch tcher's pdtn... -.- i wan watch my xian jian qi xia zhuan!!! haix.. ke lian mi.. was tryin to watch it on you tube.. den da stupid com virus kip switchin off my com.. haix... *sob sob* ltr c how lorx.. muz rush hm.. wont able to make it...
it is rainin... -.- ltr how to go out... wearin wat i wore to weddin.. bt den wear jeans instead of skirt.. lalala` hope i wont b too formal... =)
i dun tink i will b a gd mama. lolx... a super fierce mama w v. high expectations.. i tink dat will b mi.. den my children will go so fed up or scared of mi.. hmm.. hope nt.. duno y i tink so far.. =P
i go watch tv le... tata`
fr 《一直很安静》 by 阿桑
aniwae.. elmo.. da url here...
Friday, March 24, 2006 @ 10:45 PM
i m here. again. =P
had a dream juz now... everytin so dark.. so black.. coz it is a v. dark dream... was a shooter... an anihow shoot one... bt den it's kinda frightenin.. coz da gun shots juz shot shot shot n it juz happened to miss u.. i guess dat's a dream bahx.. dat's y wont hit mi... so we managed to settle one.. den was tryin to settle another... so hard lahx.. so ended up bcum 1 - 1... manage to catch him.. bt i cant kill him lyk he cant kill mi too.. -.-
so tired... bahx...
din on my phone da whole day.. so pai seh if anibody nid mi 2dae... wan to rest for myself.. so sry.
Thursday, March 23, 2006 @ 4:32 PM if u guys saw diz bfore.. bt it's nice.. so go c... gt nice music summore.. lolx...
aniwae... i guess i owe lots of pple...
1. ended up we went to mel hse ytd... coz i dun wan sing kbox... n san n chin too... so i owe to those hu wan to kbox in da end change it for mi n san n chin...
2. 2dae supposed to go cycle.. i supposed to b cyclin now.. bt den.. 2dae is my dad bdae.. i realise it only ytd nite... wen i reached hm @ 10+pm n my sis told mi... -.- so b a gd gal n stay @ hm.. so my dad will c mi wen he came hm fr work! so owe to those hu went n esp mel hu organise it.. so sry!!
3. hammy. lolx.. owe to da lil hamster... make mi so happy... hahax...
aniwae.. it is end of block tests!!!!
high possibility of failin both bio n econs... -.-
first time in my life [mayb 2nd time...] din do 10+ marks for maths test...
gp is still da same...
chem i first time dunno how to do calculations... -.-
how nice horx...
haix.. dunno how lahx...
aniwae... had swensens on tues!!! =P nice food!!! yum yum.. had pizza n lag [wateva da spellin is..] ytd... had kfc ytd too!!
oh yarhx... saw one guy w beautiful features on da bus to mel's hse... really gd lookin lorx... den saw one nt bad lookin de durin chem test.. lolx.. how distracted i m... =P
i m so tired... can hardly open my eyes fully... my sis sae i m sick dat's y... *yawns* mayb lorx.. havin flu now.. so suay lahx..
aft i gt my block test papers back i nid to reflect again..
Sunday, March 19, 2006 @ 12:16 AM
i m so childish... lolx. since my sis wan mi buy a packet of potato chips.. i actually bot $5 worth tings so as to get da ting below...

dunno u all noe abt it anot.. da badges.. so cute rite???!!!! lolx.. aniwae... gt dory fr finding nemo diz time... had lilo n my sis had piglet... lolx.. bt wont splurge liaox.. =)
aniwae.. to relax myself.. watched

2dae... so glad i din miss my full metal alchemist n 仙剑奇侠传!!!! =) so shuang lorx.. hahax... bt i missed my Loki... bt den still alrite lahx.. get to c my 仙剑奇侠传 can le..
aniwae.. 2dae 仙剑奇侠传 so funnie!!! =D i guess dey r a bunch of teenagers still lorx.. lolx... da part wen dey communicate bhind 灵儿 n 逍遥 while all of dem r hookin each other arm... lolx... i guess it is 暴风雨前的安静[sth lyk dat... forgot da exact words...]... 石长老 dyin next wk!!! sob sob.. hahax.. he still a nice guy lahx.. poor 唐于... *pat pat*
well well.. mayb i m a truly adventurous student aftall... haix... i nv realise... mayb i shld shut my mouth bahx... *zip*
go study le.. nitex`
Friday, March 17, 2006 @ 9:13 PM
first time feelin so lost bfore a 'major' xams.. diz one nt dat major bt still quite impt.. bt den... i haf no mood to study @ all!!!! -.- haix... so wont b scorin well... bt den haix... bo pian lahx... no idea y aniwae... havin depression? hahax.. mayb horx? dun even feel lyk playin tennis.. dun feel lyk eatin... bt i still eat a lot.. coz dere is an excuse of nt studyin.. hahax... =p bt den guess shld b okiex aft block test bahx.. can go play!! can go shoppin!!! den can start pia for mid yr le.. -.- lolx... aniwae... my hp is almost r.i.p... lolx.. so u wan find mi call my hm.. dun haf my no go find pple lyk mel n bei hu haf it...
was watchin a show da day bfore... tinkin of being a therapist since dere's a shortage of dem aniwae n i tink those in need really really nid to haf help sooner.. so i may b studyin dat.. =)
haix. cant wait for block test to b over.
realise i 4gt to put diz...

i will miss it tmr!!! coz watchin elmo playin her tuba[? izzit tuba? hmm...] mayb wont b so late bahx... =P hope so.. pray so.. i dun wan miss it!!!

hmm.. bryan dyin? lolx.. no idea.. still considerin shld i buy da vcds anot... hmm.. so long nv lyk a serial le... =)
taken fr
Wednesday, March 15, 2006 @ 10:12 PM
Your view on yourself:
Other people find you very interesting, but you are really hiding your true self. Your friends love you because you are a good listener. They'll probably still love you if you learn to be yourself with them.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love:
You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?
Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.
The right job for you:
You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something in particular. You need to choose something and go for it to be happy and achieve success.
How do you view success:
You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.
What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.
Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.
The Real You
Here is the analysis:
You've got great self-confidence and you're full of charm. Most guys who get to know you will be attracted to you. You are far from sweet and proper; your intriguing personality fascinates them. Most guys find it easy to fall for a girl like you.
You really care about other people's feelings and are quite serious about the issues that affect your life. You are sincere, and your concern for the well-being of others makes many people want to be your friend.
You are a bright, cheerful and bubbly person. You are thoughtful and considerate, and like to have fun. Everybody feels comfortable around you because of your pleasant nature. When you walk into a room, people's eyes are likely to be drawn to you because of your charm.
Your peers think of you as a fun person, but sometimes you can be a little irresponsible. You can be somewhat childish, and can try to ignore the fact that you will one day need to really grow up and be a mature adult! Perhaps you could start reading good books; they might help you look at the world in a different light. You do want to be taken seriously, right?
Your boyfriend believes that you are a strong and independent person. Your confidence and cheerfulness make you an attractive person to be around, but sometimes you need to pay more attention to what other people, including your boyfriend, are thinking.
[dunno true anot.. bt den.. it makes happy! =) ]
What's your personality love style?
Here is the analysis:You desire a love that will last forever. You are quite serious about finding this type of love, and that's why you think carefully about the men that you meet before deciding whether you could really love them. You don't just develop a crush on someone overnight: you look at a person's personality and other aspects of their life before deciding to form an attachment. If a guy doesn't meet your expectations, you would rather be alone. Your love has to be perfect. Be careful though, you could be missing out on some worthy relationships because your standards are so high.
[quite true!]
What type of personality do you have?
Here is the analysis:
Kind and Gentle
Your kindness is your charm - you are also gentle and sweet. Everybody likes to be around people with your personality. Like a psychologist, people like to talk to you to discuss their problems because you are proper and discrete, as well as confident. You look mature and people respect you. People with this kind of character are few and far between.
What does being a friend really mean to you?
You value your friendships: 50% [so pathetic..]
You value your friendships quite a lot but you don't like to show your feelings to others. You would rather keep your feelings to yourself than share them with your friends. You might get a pleasant surprise if you are more open about caring for people - they will probably let you know that you're special to them, too.
had po4 gatherin ytd... ate sakae sushi... lolx.. buffet again.. hmm.. dunno gt improve anot.. lolx.. alwaes eat so little.. bt is coz compare to dem mahx.. =P da moment we entered sakae.. we ordered 10unagi n dunno wat lahx.. i juz noe gt a lot.. hahax... den i hate soft shell crab roll!!! i lyk soft shell crab!! n unagi... hehex.. n fried scallops... n etc... =) den aft dat walk walk walk can actually walk till 9+... den went hm lorx...
dey sae i bcum v. quiet dat day.. n looked so sian.. lolx.. i guess i m quieter now... nt dat hyper le bahx.. different environment i guess... =)
went to lib to 'study' juz now.. stayed in lib for 3hr only.. den go hm le.. lolx.. gt nose blocked.. -.- den no mood to study... so went hm lorx... lolx.. js so ke lian... so pei zui...
econs.. i shld go study..
i wan 7-11 badges!!! i wan collect 30!!! hu nice wan to help mi collect? $5 get one free badge... =)
i still can find hm... =) tho dere may b distance.. bt den... still can find warmth.. =)
Tuesday, March 14, 2006 @ 10:09 AM
i noe i sae i wont b online.. bt online for a v. v. v. short while wont die rite.. =P nth much to sae... had breakfast @ mf campus 2 dere... =) goin out ltr.. ahhhhhhh... so stressed... will pia maths soon... tata``
Sunday, March 12, 2006 @ 12:29 PM
almost recover fr my sickness... bt den i m still haven sorethroat.. nv really sorethroat.. juz feeling v uncomfortable... wont spend much of da time online on cumin wk.. if possible u wont b c-ing mi online.. hahax.. i m v. hardworkin.. =P
aniwae.. i really goin to pia for my block test.. a bit too late to start pia-ing bt den nvm lah horx.. c how much i can achieve diz time.. den set a new target n new plan to mid yr... =)
aniwae... diz is my goals for block test... red r da realistic goals.. =P
maths: A
chem: A
bio: A (
econs: C (
lalalalx.. c i can achieve anot.. if i work hard shld b no problem bahx.. jia you!!!
oh yarhx.. gt weddin ltr!!! @ jurong.. -.- wonder wat time i will reach hm... tmr mornin still gt GP... -.- aniwae.. i wearin my prom nite skirt!! lolx.. n a v. girly black halter w lace.. hahax.. look so prom lahx.. btden nvm lahx.. =P i tink i look pretty can le.. wahahhaha` so bhb.. =P hope i wont b overdressed.. *prays hard*
tata. =)
last day of term 1.
Friday, March 10, 2006 @ 9:50 PM
last day of term 1... 3 more terms to go.. den end of jc life!!! lolx.. dunno it's a gd ting or nt..
it's friday!!! =)
had tennis 2dae~~ da shuai tcher laugh @ mi leix!!! coz i cant 接 his ball.. -.- nt my fault... lolx.. okiex lahx.. it's my fault lahx.. din concentrate.. coz i cant serve.. my whole mind is "i wan to serve i wan to serve i wan to serve..." =P bt den his ball damn fast!!! cannt react.. lalalalalala` bt i luv tennis!!!! bt i still haven serve... lolx...
den had dance 2dae~~~ fun fun fun!!! run a lot.. laugh a lot... den i do full arc i bang my head to belinda's arm... -.- v. fun~~~ i guess diz is fun w serious bahx.. lolx.. =)
oh.. suffered fr blue black.. again.. =P
still gt wat? hmm....
oh yarhx.. gt diz pic fr sb's.. a big crown on woodstock..

great power cums w great responsibility.. lolx.. sounds lyk spiderman? it's true lahx.. so dun anihow crown pple.. =P
my right arm so suan.
Thursday, March 09, 2006 @ 6:57 PM
feeling much betta wen i woke up.. tho refused to wake up @ 4am.. so woke up @ 5am instead.. n pia da econs essay... =)
reached sch early.. i lyk reachin sch early.. guess i will do dat more often.. =) lalala`
durin CT period.. we r givin a list of tings.. den we r to decide da priorities of da tings wen we r on a ship @ ice dere [sth lyk dat.. din bother to read...] so ended up i only gt 8 same as hueva [alwaes forgot his name..] out of 30? i dunno...
hmm.. so i guess i cannt survive lahx.. lolx.. dun care... will steal pple's tings den.. =P ugliness of pple wen dey r desperate.. lolx...
aniwae.. da main issue is i laugh so much! lolx.. lyk so long nv lame liaox.. =P been too down n watsoeva.. so is quite a gd day.. tho bio prac is as usual dat messy.. n pai seh to shar wen i sae i haf no time to explain to her.. sry worx` wont happen nxt time.. i hope..
life can be good only if u wan it to b... =) life is gd now` xcept da fact dat i haf so so so mani tings to study.. argh.
alwaes look on da brite side of life~
tmr gt tennis!!!! yahooo~~
Wednesday, March 08, 2006 @ 8:58 PM
i m jealous. damn.
i m sick. damn.
i m doin wat i m nt supposed to. damn.
stupid com played a prank on mi. damn.
printer refuse to print da notes juz now. damn.
i haven study chem. damn.
i haven do econs. damn.
i haven do sit ups + stretchin. damn.
damn damn damn damn damn...
did i mentioned dat i failed my econs test again? shld i drop econs? diz is da first time i thot abt it.. seriously... bt den i noe i wont drop.. pple sae i shldnt drop.. i noe i shldnt drop.. mama wont let mi drop aniwae.. bt den.. .y shld i nt drop? i haven reason w myself.. i haven find reasons to prove dat i shld nt drop... for my future? hu noes my future will b? hu noe if i will/ able to go ntu n study tourism a yr ltr?
haix... my head hurts.. bloody hell...
oh yarhx.. synergy concert.. 29apr.. 7pm.. nyjc LT4.. $10.. interested?
runnin ltr.
Monday, March 06, 2006 @ 6:27 PM
whole body is feeling umcomfortable.. will haf some ache here n dere.. ytd my chest hurts.. hmmm.. hope it's nth.. if it's sth den soon i will noe... lolx.. aniwae.. will b joggin ltr.. cant sae i will b runnin.. coz i m nt runnin dat fast.. hmm.. mayb run 10rds.. ard 3km.. c first lorx.. =) most prob run 6rds jog 4rds.. duno lahx.. c first.. muz jia you for napha oso..
lolx... now v. bz worx!! tings to pia..
1. Block test
2. A level
3. Slim down
4. get gold for napha
so everytin go 2gether.. so nid to even everytin.. includin my leisure time..
oh yarhx.. nid go look @ open hses stuffs.. tata``
oh yarhx.. mel jia you worx! lolx.. n get well soon`
oh elmo oso get well soon.. or else mr meh meh will bite mi.. lolx..
oh oh... bei bei back recovers soon.. =)
i goin weddin on sunday!!!
Sunday, March 05, 2006 @ 12:46 PM
《隱形的翅膀》 張韶涵
每一次 都在 徘徊孤單中堅強
每一次 就算很受傷也不閃淚光
我知道 我一直有雙隱形的翅膀
帶我飛 飛過絕望
不去想 他們 擁有美麗的太陽
我看見 每天的夕陽也會有變化
我知道 我一直有雙隱形的翅膀
帶我飛 給我希望
我終於看到 所有夢想都開花
我終於翱翔 用心凝望不害怕
隱形的翅膀 讓夢恆久比天長
留一個願望讓自己 想像
tink diz song is nice.. lolx.. another entry bfore i go pia my chem.. juz thot dat i m so far apart fr frenz nt in da same sch or even nt in da same class as mi... i dunno how dey score for deir chi.. how dey r livin now... if dey r happy now.. if dey get into deir first choice of sch... i din noe many tings.. alwaes feel so apart... xpecially fr po4 coz dey mostly r in da same class now.. dey can share happiness n sadness 2gether... i m lyk.. an outsider.. to da rest... i juz dunno how... how to maintain da closeness of frenship... being v. tired aft sch n stuffs.. i juz 有心无力... duno lahx...
den in da same class.. i juz.. cldnt make up my mind wat i wan.. to b @ da back supportin pple or juz join in w everyone.. being @ da back.. i wont haf da risk of fallin.. coz i m already @ da back. i cldnt fall ani further.. join in.. i will definitely fall... i juz dunno..
go study chem le.. tata`` =)
oh yarhx.. dun get affect by my words.. juz treat it as a crazy gal yada yada...
mornin` =)
was reading fwd email juz now.. so i tink diz is quite nice to share...
for pple hu find life is hard to go on now...
4 - Fourth Important Lesson. - The obstacle in Our Path. In ancient times, a King had a boulder placed on a roadway. Then he hid himself and watched to see if anyone would remove the huge rock. Some of the king's wealthiest merchants and courtiers came by and simply walked around it. Many loudly blamed the King for not keeping the roads clear, but none did anything about getting the stone out of the way.
Then a peasant came along carrying a load of vegetables. Upon approaching the boulder, the peasant laid down his burden and tried to move the stone to the side of the road. After much pushing and straining, he finally succeeded. After the peasant picked up his load of vegetables, he noticed a purse lying in the road where the boulder had been. The purse contained many gold coins and a note from the King indicating that the gold was for the person who removed the boulder from the roadway. The peasant learned what many of us never understand! Every obstacle presents an opportunity to improve our condition.~ * ~
aniwae.. realised how much i changed thru out da 6 - 8yrs... @ da begining i read every single fwd emails n fwd dem to my frenz.. .den i dun even bother to read i juz delete everytin.. now i read.. bt i dun wan fwd dem... coz i dunno hu to fwd to... wen u get older... defn of tings get complicated.. u dun simply juz fwd to all emails u haf in ur acct... juz dat.. i duno lahx.. bt wen u get older.. u dun being dat naive... tinkin dat tings alwaes go da way u wan it to b.. bt den i guess it is quite gd coz @ least u wont feel so down wen tings happen wrongly.. u noe @ times it will... bt it's part n parcel of growin up..
wen tings go wrong.. nv sae die.. lolx.. sounds lyk da battery commercial... bt den it's true... dun gif up.. be sad abt it for a while.. be angry for a while.. tink abt wat went wrong.. den move on... nt tellin u to forget it.. bt hold it in ur heart.. soon u will realise dat memory isnt hurtin le... coz u already grew up n be stronger n more able to deal w such tings.. is it great? to noe dat u can manage tings which u used to nt able to.. =)
okiex.. enough of my "holy" words.. lolx.. aniwae.. was bit [okiex fine.. v.] slack ytd.. din really studied my org chem.. [ i lurve org chem! ] so will deal w it ltr.. squeezin dunno how mani pgs of notes into 6 pieces of papers.. structure, conversion, mechanism, rxn, others.. still gt wat? hmm.. dunno lax.. will c how ltr.. =P
aniwae... lalala` nt much to sae leix.. oh yarhx! i did 100 sit ups!!! den ermx... lift weights... den jump a lot.. [coz i dun wan to skip..] =) for my slimin prg.. lolx.. nahx.. juz tryin to maintain my weight.. coz my weight is increasin again.. sigh... i tink i m damn healthy.. coz da symptons [spellin error.. how to spell?] of most illness r loss of appetite n slp... hmm.. i hardly lose my appetite [unless i m too tired to eat..] n slp... i nv cant slp unless bcoz tmr is a test/xams/ major event... or else i will b slpin lyk a pig.. snore~
gettin class tee tmr~~~ lalalla~~~~~ =D tho may b ugly.. bt it is still a class tee!!!! =D thx mel` to tok to all da 'printin pple' coz i rather die dan tok to strangers.. lolx.. wonder how i m goin to work diz yr end... -.- n da rest hu offer opinions!!! =) hope it will b nice!!! =)
Saturday, March 04, 2006 @ 6:09 PM
a title of a blogskin is..
"love is random."
i agree... a lot.
faced 2 horrors juz now...
#1. being sae as fat! *sob sob* lolx.. bt den alrite lahx.. =P
#2. cashier thot mi n my eldest sis r twins!!! omg~ is either she looks younger or i look older.. shld b da latter one.. -.-
Friday, March 03, 2006 @ 10:19 PM
my sis reached hm for less dan a min n she managed to make mi cry.. she v. li hai horx?
w my super [xtremely] high stress level.. it is ez to make mi cry...
izzit wrong of mi to ask my dad go buy bee hoon for mi @ 10+pm coz i m hungry? cant i b unreasonable once? *sob sob* hu is alwaes da one hu is unreasonable?
aniwae.. watched 《我们的白云岗2006》 juz now.. nice worx! if my story is being acted out. .i will b so so so so so so honoured!!! =) nvm lahx horx.. i will b dancing soon.. an ugly dancer i m.. bt i puttin my 101% of effort...
2 plays 2dae.. 2 v. different genre... bt it's kinda same.. link w da same ting... 深爱... w deepest love.. everytin can happen.. hatred... cldnt let go.. forlorn...
i lyk both plays.. first one more chim... requires more tinkin.. bt den givin us space to imagine oso.. =) second play. .more simple.. wrench my heart n makes mi tears [i noe.. cant believe i m dat 白痴 to cry wen watchin 《我们的白云岗2006》... bt den w everytin hidden inside... i muz haf a way to vent to feelings... =P]...
1st play... gd actors n actress.. da abstract makes mi tink.. makes pple tink.. makes pple want to understand.. nt juz sit back n relax.. it requires tinkin... encouragin us to use our imagination.. so wat act happened? i once thot dat 房客 is act her long lost son n da son whom she had is juz a subtitute.. bt den.. mayb not.. shld b juz dat 一个失去了妈妈,一个失去了孩子... 所以就在一起互补吧... 可悲... 可是这是个不错的方法... 虽然是在逃避.. 但是却不会再心痛...
2nd play... thot it is a love story.. guess not.. bt den it is funnier.. da way dey write da script.. bt den is v. sad oso.. more attractive.. coz u can hardly hear pple tok wen dey r changin scenes... mayb 1st play everyone is discussin wat is it abt... u nv noe..
too tired to sae anitin else..
oh yarhx.. sth funny happened durin maths tut.. lolx.. den dey did some recordings w my mp3.. v. funny!! lolx...
dormitory boys.
Thursday, March 02, 2006 @ 10:45 PM
title of diz entry is dormitory boys.
hu r dey? go diz website.. lolx.. it brings laughter... bt it's v. lame lahx.. =P
aniwae.. da title [sth lyk dat lahx..] of da blog is Life is short, make fools of yourselves while you can! lolx... diz applies to mel.. =P mayb i shld learn fr it... bt den.. wan mi make fools of myself? hmm... i will consider.. hahax..
tmr is such a bz day... a bz day = fulfilin day = happy day.. lolx.. coz gt tennis!! gt dance!! gt 我们的白云岗 2005!! den is a friday!! =) life is gd~ is how u c it..
lolx.. told bei muz haf confidence.. nt lyk i haf plenty.. coz my confidence lvl is quite low too.. i hate my weight.. lolx.. will go slim down.. bt da problem is i nid to study,.. lolx.. level of stress = amt of food eat.. so now block test cumin.. u noe my stress level.. -.- so will b tryin to kip my weight constant.. n shape my figure.. lolx.. i really nid to do dat.. now look lyk a cylinder.. =P bt den.. @ least i haf more confidence dan b4.. i nv look up wen i m walkin.. i alwaes stare @ da floor.. nt intendin to meet anibody's eyes or watsoeva.. now i can.. i can walk lookin straight tho @ most of time i still look diagonally down coz i scare i fall down.. lolx.. my bad sense of balance.. n tok to pple lookin @ pple's eyes.. bt i dunno if dey feel weird w da way i look.. i nv look in pple's eyes n tok for 6 yrs!
join dance partially bcoz of it oso.. wanted to build up my confidence.. =)
how to fall in luv w urself is v. impt.. nt 自恋 bt 自爱... a big diff.. so juz hope pple can 自爱.. nt dat ez to do so oso.. wen u dun c ani pt gd in u.. so juz tink abt wat gd pts u haf... wen u helped sb dey sae thx u.. wen u did sth gd dey praise u.. minor tings add up to a big big ting! lolx.. =) 加油!
was watchin 《青春游走》 juz now.. alwaes aft watchin.. i will b tinkin.. wat m i doin here? wastin my life n everytin.. bt den.. mayb my goal is juz to work in IR... so now i shld b workin hard.. juz lyk dat.. mayb wat i committed is nt enough... hmmm.. wat r ur dreams?
oh yarhx.. did sth stupid ytd or da day b4.. tink is da day b4.. aniwae... i was takin up my bottle to drink.. so i uncap it n wan to drink it.. ended up.. i knock my mouth w da bottle.. -.- so my lip bleed.. now da scar still can c... addin on to my look-like-being-poisoned lips.. lolx.. ugly lips! wateva.. =P one of a kind. .hahax.. dark dark red lips..
now my knee is sufferin.. stand v. long or sit v. long makes mi v. uncomfortable.. cannt walk properly.. -.- mayb i 多心 le.. hmmm..